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Dina Jackson
Advisor, Fundraising

Dina moved to Silver Spring, MD 18 years ago with my son (Zachary). She attended University of Dayton and Wilberforce University and earned 2 Bachelors in Science in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering. She is very active in my community and also in my church. Dina was a Den mother for the Cub Scouts for 6 years. She noticed the troop had many boys which were considered part of the High Functioning spectrum. They either had ADHD, Autistic and Asperger’s Syndrome. Dina knew she needed to get help for her son. Zachary was tested and it was discovered he had ADHD. She joined an African American group of women in scouts whom had similar children in the spectrum and we supported each other. Dina is active in many organizations which help women and children throughout Montgomery county, MD prosper. She has 2 children: Zachary and Anastasia.
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